5minutefridayEach Friday a group of women flow to the blog of Lisa-Jo Baker to receive a specific writing prompt.

The prompt is just one word. A word to spark an idea in our heads. At the start of a timer we have no more than five minutes to string together an array of words – bursting forth from the corners of our minds. It’s a lesson that teaches us to let go of perfection and embrace the idea of writing. No editing. Just raw words to step across the pages of our blogs and out into the streets of a virtual world to be shared with others.

And that is Five Minute Friday.

This week, the prompt is “Hands” and you’ll find it here. So link up and join the fun!



There’s a passage of scripture from the book of Nehemiah that has intrigued me for quite some time. Ā Sanballat and his sidekicks are relentlessly attempting to tear down the good work of rebuilding the wall by removing God’s foreman on the job. Ā However, Nehemiah exhibitsĀ  such determination and perseverance that he refuses to be removed from his positionĀ God has tasked him to do. Ā No matter how hard Sanballat tries to undo the work of Nehemiah’s hands he is unable to bring success to his opposition.

Nehemiah prays “Now strengthen my hands.”

Is it me or does anyone else get goosebumps during this passage of scripture?

Just as the enemy used others to try and disrupt the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem, so he similarly places others around meĀ to stand in the way of my own efforts of buildingĀ God’s kingdom here on earth. Ā 

I get angry. Ā My first inclination is to become defensive and use my anger to hurl insults at those who try to criticize and tear down my confidence. Ā Yet I have to take a leaf out of Nehemiah’s book. Ā Literally. Ā When I feel the weight of the enemy upon my shoulders I know that I’m heading in the right direction. Ā I know that I’m making him nervous as I draw closer to the will and the ways of the One whose hands are strengthening mine.

My confidence becomes strongerĀ and I confidently say to Him – Ā “Yes, Lord. Ā Now strengthen my hands…”



See? Now wasn’t that fun? Tell me about “hands” in the comments below – or link up at Lisa-Jo’s blog.
