So this week we were asked to participate in a fun link-up for the Declare Conference that would help us get to know one another better.  The conference is in less than a week!  *insert squealing*

I guess the first thing you should know is that I seldom squeal so this is a big deal. It took awhile for me to decide that this conference was for me. I felt stirred to go almost immediately, but I knew how up close and personal Declare was designed to be and I will be honest in saying that I felt quite apprehensive about it.  We won’t waste any more time trudging through the process that made me decide to go, but I am 100% sure that God is going to do amazing things.  Comfort zone or not – I’m going.

And without further ado I’ll let you learn all about me in the categories below…

4 Things About Me

1) I married my high school sweetheart.  Jonathon and I knew each other in junior high, but never really started dating until we were 17.  We had many years of ups and downs before it was time to stop fighting against each other and start submitting to Jesus. He’s my #1 encourager through the life that he speaks into me daily and through the prayers that he takes to God on his knees.  I am so grateful to have him in my life.

Spending time together

2) I am an only child but somehow God felt it appropriate to bless me with four children.  Lillian (10), Henley (7), Wyatt (4) and Willow (17 months) are amazing!  They make me smile.  And, on occasion, they make my face contort into strange and unusual shapes that I would’ve never thought possible.  However, it’s all worth it – as I get to love on them each and every day and watch them grow in their love for the Lord.

My blessings!

3)  I learned to write computer programs when I was 9.  Every summer I’d take classes and found that I was really good at it.  Even though it was never a burning passion, I went to college for a degree in Computer Science but also satisfied my sweet spot of reading and writing by getting a minor in English Lit.  I’ve been a programmer for sixteen years and have worked for an extraordinary company for over nine years now.  The last four I’ve settled into less programming and more project management that allows me a lot of flexibility to attend to my family’s needs.  But God has my heart stirring again so from here on out we will just see where He leads me…

4) I have always been afraid of sharing my talents. Overcoming this fear has been hard for me because I’m a fly-under-the-radar kinda girl.  If you’d like, you’re free to read more at the link I just provided to get the skinny on this.  For now, though, let’s just say that I’m grateful God is working on my heart in a big way and I am stepping out in faith like never before.

4 Endearing Quirks

1)  I love tea.  And, let me be frank when I say that sentence just doesn’t express it in the way that I’d like.  I drink a lot of different kinds of tea. I read books about tea.  I host tea parties at my house complete with china, lots of tiny foods and plenty of pampering for the ladies who attend.  Tea is my thing, y’all.

2)  To follow up on the last quirk, several people tell me it’s cute (albeit weird) that I can’t. go. anywhere. without my tall Starbucks cup of ice water and a 20 oz. thermal cup of tea.  …I have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about.

3) I collect hats.  I love hats.  But the funny thing is, I don’t wear them that often now. Back in 2007 I found this lovely little thing called the “hair straightener” and I haven’t gone back since.  My head of hair is incredibly overwhelming so taking care of it is a lot of work.  The hats makes me have to wash and straighten my hair entirely more often than I’d like to get away with.  And we won’t go there right now…

4) I don’t eat pancakes very often anymore since I eat gluten free (and grain free, most of the time), but I’ve never liked pancakes with syrup on them until about the last three bites (dessert).  Weird.  I know.

4 Things About My Blog & Writing

1) For years I wrote stories, loved writing research papers, thrived on scribbling lines of poetry and finally settled on being submersed into fan fiction.  It satisfied a need to just put my words out there without letting anyone see below my surface.  But after my second child was born there was a need to change my life in a big way.  Coming to know Christ unlike how I knew Him before changed everything.  And I mean everything.

2) Writing gives me perspective.  It might not always make complete sense to the reader and I’m okay with that.  It’s a process.  I try not to go back and reread what I’ve written too often because I’m a perfectionist.  And that’s not what this is supposed to be all about.  Capisce?

3) I’m still working on the aesthetics of the blog.  While the coding isn’t an issue, my creativity is sorely lacking and I need some brilliant mind who can do fabulous header design.  I won’t lie, I’m hoping to make a few connections with ladies at the conference who can help me with this.  (And I’m not afraid to beg.)   😉

4) Do I have a book idea?  Yes.  But I’m easing into this.  I have the first chapter and a half written but I don’t feel God is calling me to Declare to start that process (yet).  I want to find encouragement, build relationships, continue to strengthen an online platform and then we will see.  God is stirring my heart in many areas right now so I’m trying to make sure I don’t jump ahead of where He needs me to be.

4 Favorite Things of Mine

1) Tea.  Lots of tea.

2) I love to study and learn just about anything. I could read and take notes for hours.  And pens!  All of the beautiful colors that I use to write in my books, journals, Bibles…  It just wouldn’t be the same without the pens.

3) Serenity.  No joking.  I realize that you don’t get much of this with four children, a family owned business and job of my own but serenity is a must in my life.  Me, deck, cup of tea, good book, light breeze, view of the water…  I. Love. It.

4) The craziness of six people living under one roof.  To an only child, this is big.  And as much as I love #3, I love #4 even more.  I have my moments of “everybody stop talking and remove yourself from my presence,” but overall I embrace the commotion and wouldn’t have it any other way.

All my loves (and me)  ;)