It’s been ages since I’ve participated in Five Minute Friday. The schedule just hasn’t permit. However, when I saw the prompt for this week – and that the word was quiet I just couldn’t help myself.
Although I love doing introduction to the prompt – this week…we’re just going to hit the ground running.
And so…quiet.
I’ve had a love/hate relationship with quiet. I loved the stillness. Of being by myself to write or read or just sit and stare out the window. Yet I often wait with baited breath for something to break such peace. The quiet. Almost makes me nervous-like.
Even now…still…I tune my ears to hear the softer noises to break that quiet. The soft ticking of the only real clock in the house. A Ford diesel in the distance, moving ever closer to my section of the street. My stomach…because it’s telling me it’s time for a meal.
I’m a white noise girl when I sleep, but during the day I almost never turn off the music. And when I drive without it…well, can I drive without it? Even with conversation between the kids it’s always on the down low, setting a positive tone behind our boisterous voices as we roll down the street.
But just like the yin to my yang there’s another side. The side that craves the quiet. I let it master over me so I can hear the Voice that guides me. The Voice that loves me.
I see Him in the ins and out of every single day, but sometimes the noise of my world drowns out the Voice. But the quiet is a welcome mat, saying come on in and join me here. In this space of mine that I’ve quieted just for You.
And suddenly quiet isn’t so quiet-like. It’s full of Words that resonate the room – filling up all of those places inside that need to be topped off.
I think of the boy, Samuel, who slept so close to Him at night. In the stillness. In the quiet. Just as close as he could get. And that’s when the Voice was heard for the first time.
In the quiet, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening” of the night…
Won’t you join me this week for Five Minute Friday over at Kate Motaung’s page? We’d love to see you there! Just familiarize yourself with this page first, no editing, and set your watch for five minutes.
This is perfect. I can completely relate. In fact I’m surprised I don’t have music on here in the kitchen right now. 😀 But especially that “silence” where God speaks. Only just learning that as I’ve started to voluntarily turn off the noise in my head. It’s a full silence, indeed. 🙂
I’m having a “just shut it off” moment. The music, the tv, the computer, my phone. I just want the noise to go away. The noise that I have pulled into my life because, like you, something about the quiet makes me antsy even as I crave it. God meets us when we get still and silent before Him. In my humanity, I am both desperate for and deeply afraid of that meeting.
Love you, dear friend, and so glad you joined this week!