Earlier last week I had a morning that started out a little rough. You know those days that begin when you oversleep? And then you discover that your son flooded his bed sheets promptly before your youngest daughter somehow manages to ricochet juice off of every object in the kitchen…
Yes. One of those days.
I can now look you in the eyes and utter a sentence of truth. “I’ve learned to take it in stride.” Truly, I have. There’s a new level of patience and a joy that wasn’t there before. But it’s still tiring and frustrating when you’re in the middle of a domestic storm all before 8:00 a.m.
Once the last drop of juice was cleaned up I grabbed the three youngest that were still at home and sat them down for a devotion. I didn’t have a plan that day, but I was hoping for the best. I plopped myself down on the couch with “The Story for Children” by Mac Lucado and flipped it open, mumbling silent prayers for something timely and wonderful and teachable in my current frazzled, sticky state.
Hush, Big Wind! appeared before my eyes. Based on the stories from Matthew and Luke chapters 8, and Mark chapter 4, I knew immediately this was no accident. Moments later we were navigating our way through a story about a boat load of panicked disciples in the middle of a storm. A storm that Jesus slept through quite peacefully while grown men screamed like frightened females.
After the disciples could take it no more, they shook Him awake, declaring their fears of drowning. Jesus then rose up to rebuke the waves and the wind, restoring calm to the sea.
But it wasn’t over. Jesus left them with their own rebuke. “You of little faith, why are you so afraid,” He asked.
I closed the book and just stared at my children for the longest time. “Mommy needed this today,” I said to them. (and a little more tearful than I’d like to admit)
It was my second born, my inquisitive little Henley, that asked me why. “Because sometimes even though Mommy is patient and works through the storms during the day, I forget to not be anxious on the inside. I forget to call on Jesus. I forget about my faith in the One who won’t let me drown.”
Storms are a natural part of life. And sometimes when we’re in the stormier seasons of life, they will happen one right after the other. But we aren’t ill equipped. Our instincts might tell us to panic and react without thinking it through. We might desperately search for a shelter fashioned of our own accord to protect our heads from the hail that’s raining down. But we don’t need to. Our only need is to call on the One who sleeps easy during those storms.
The scripture reading in my 40 Day in the Word study happened to be based on Philippians 4:6-7 that same day…
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
It was just a few weeks ago that I read a devotion sent to me by Open Arms ministries entitled “Can You Sleep When the Wind Blows?” I am leaving a link to that devotion here on the blog for you to read if you’d like. It puts everything I’ve mentioned above into incredible perspective. But for the sake of time, I’m taking my favorite quote and placing it here…
“We secure ourselves against the storms of life by soaking ourselves in the Word of God, being obedient to it and then placing our faith and trust in God’s goodness. We don’t need to understand, we just need to hold His hand to have peace in the midst of our storms.”
The disciples shook their Savior awake, yes. Their faith was lacking in a moment that it shouldn’t have wavered. Their first instinct was desperation…thinking they couldn’t be saved. But even if it had been the end, we rest in the scripture that still stands.
“Do not be anxious.”
Call on Him. Before, during and after the storms. And know that He will not let us drown.