by Jennifer Frisbie | Mar 31, 2015 | Coffee For Your Heart, Faith, Identity, Image, Insecurities, Redeem, Tell His Story, Testimony Tuesday, Three Word Wednesday
I enjoy stalking people on Throwback Thursdays. I think it’s because I have a love for pictures. While words will always be my choice of storytelling, sometimes looking into the lives of others through images is insightful. But there are times in my...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Mar 24, 2015 | Coffee For Your Heart, Faith, Fishing, Follow, Humble, Nets, Tell His Story, Testimony Tuesday, Three Word Wednesday, Trust
There are days that I stop and wonder what it would’ve been like had I done things a little differently in my younger years. Maybe I’d have waited to cut my hair quite so short my senior year of high school and thought about the repercussions of growing it...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Mar 3, 2015 | Coffee For Your Heart, Family, Identity, Seek And You Will Find, Tell His Story, Testimony Tuesday, Three Word Wednesday
It was just over a week ago that I picked my children up after school and my son launched into all of the wonderful details of his Pre-Kindergarten field trip. They’d gone to visit a retirement home and, somewhere between his school and the home, he saw his...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Jan 27, 2015 | Coffee For Your Heart, Jericho, Obedience, Tell His Story, Testimony Tuesday, Three Word Wednesday
I’ve been staring out my westward facing office window for the past twenty minutes. I feel tired…even after two cups of tea. I’m at peace, but struggling slightly from fatigue. Grateful for the changes in my health over the last twelve months but...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Jan 14, 2015 | Coffee For Your Heart, Complacency, Faith, Tell His Story, Testimony Tuesday, Three Word Wednesday
A few days ago I woke up on a blustery morning to find a thin covering of ice blanketing the view outside my window. It wasn’t much. Just enough to cause legs to be extra steady and eyes to be more alert to spot patches of put-you-on-your-backside....
by Jennifer Frisbie | Jan 7, 2015 | Coffee For Your Heart, Light, Tell His Story, Three Word Wednesday, Unveiled Faces
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6) It didn’t take much for me to see Christ. But the...