by Jennifer Frisbie | Jan 1, 2015 | A New Thing, Coffee For Your Heart, Faith, Tell His Story, Three Word Wednesday
So often I come to the end of another year and I have much to say. So many promises I made to myself that I couldn’t keep. So many goals for starting anew. I’m not a resolution setter, don’t misunderstand me. But I’m a clean slate kinda girl....
by Jennifer Frisbie | Nov 19, 2014 | A New Thing, Coffee For Your Heart, Faith, His Plan, Tell His Story, Three Word Wednesday
It wasn’t until I took the back roads to work one day during a traffic jam that I considered the expression, “off the beaten path.” I was traveling on roads that twisted and turned around farms that had been in someone’s family for many...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Oct 1, 2014 | A New Thing, Change, Coffee For Your Heart, His Plan, Listen, Tell His Story, Trust, Yes Works for Me
Today begins my favorite month of the year. October! For me, this day marks the entrance into fall. It’s the slow opening of a majestic, wooden door into the most beautiful outdoor season of the year. And there I stand looking out as I drink in the...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Mar 19, 2014 | A New Thing, Blessed, His Plan, Image, Shaping
I’ve always been a do-over kinda girl. Or “gayle” as my second born used to say with her cute inability to pronounce it correctly. You know the one I’m talking about, right? Back when I was a kid I would run races with my friends. If I didn’t quite nail my first...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Jan 2, 2014 | A New Thing, Accountability, Faith, Family, Kids, Resolutions
I’m honestly not one for New Year’s Resolutions. However, I do have to admit that January 1st seems to bring with it a freshness that doesn’t seem to occur during any other time of year. Perhaps it just puts time into perspective within our lives. We...