by Jennifer Frisbie | Oct 20, 2015 | Coffee For Your Heart, Faith, Follow, Foot of the Cross, Grateful, RaRa Linkup, Tell His Story, Three Word Wednesday, Truth
I’ve welcomed an involuntary break from blogging lately. While I can hardly say that I’ve felt drawn to becoming a brand or hitting the magic number of posts each week to satisfy a reader base, I do feel a sort of urgency when I “fall behind.”...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Feb 13, 2015 | Confidence, Faith, Family, Foot of the Cross, Grateful
As I was texting a friend earlier this week I was filled with the desire to confess something personal. I had my doubts of whether to just let it go or to go ahead and send it out for her to see. There was an apprehensiveness that I would be putting this newfound...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Jun 3, 2014 | Change, Coffee For Your Heart, Do You Hear Me, God, Faith, Foot of the Cross, Grateful, Health, Prayer, Tell His Story
So over the last few weeks I’ve been asked a lot of questions regarding the lifestyle changes I’ve been making. This mostly has to do with the drastic change in eating habits. While I originally planned to just leave a really detailed post on Facebook with...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Jan 22, 2014 | Dililgence, Foot of the Cross, Seek And You Will Find
As I poured over my Facebook newsfeed this morning I saw a number of pictures featuring the opening of a new Chick-fil-A restaurant in my town. Let’s be honest here. I’M EXCITED! However, the focus of each picture wasn’t on Chick-fil-A itself but on the multitude of...