by Jennifer Frisbie | Jan 19, 2016 | #beautifulstories, Faith, Insecurities, Past
It seems like a lifetime ago. That day my grandpa pulled his blue Ford pickup truck into the parking lot of the Jefferson Street McDonald’s. We often stopped in Jefferson City on our way to and from the Lake. Today was a little unusual, though. We were heading...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Sep 9, 2015 | Faith, God Already Is, Identity, Investing, Past, Prayer, Resolutions
I had this post all ready to go today to talk about my busy summer and how much I loved being home with my kids. I was ready to give you the top four list of what I’ll be writing about now that I’m dusting the blog off after virtually taking the summer...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Feb 10, 2014 | Insecurities, Obedience, Past, Temptation, Trust
“The first step Elisha made toward God was not to follow after Elijah, which represented God’s purpose for his life, but to burn his plows so he had nothing to go back to.” This quote is one of many that I’ve taken from a series of sermons...