by Jennifer Frisbie | Sep 1, 2016 | Rest, Rhythms of rest, Sabbath
My morning began early with the sounds of a little boy’s whimper flowing from the master bathroom. His head was congested again. An unwelcome sign that brings in the seasons of spring and autumn through the detection of his sinus cavity. Though it’s become...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Apr 27, 2016 | Coffee For Your Heart, Friendship, Hospitality, Rest, Tell His Story, Testimony Tuesday
Growing up, my mother was a wonderful example to me as a hostess. She took her time in the kitchen over every meal to make her family and guests feel loved. She went above and beyond to meet the needs of those who pulled up a chair at our table. And no one ever left...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Oct 8, 2014 | Faith, Rest, write31days
I was listening to tobyMac on the way to work the other day and Henley’s favorite song came on. “Lose My Soul” I was singing the words and remembering sitting with her at a concert just three rows back from the stage. (or was it six?) Either way,...
by Jennifer Frisbie | May 30, 2014 | Faith, Family, Rest, What We Learned
So as I fast-forward several days I can relish in the fact that this evening is slower paced. There is no frantic running around. No mowing of the yard. No fixing a flat tire. No grabbing Wendy’s through the drive-thru. There’s plenty to be done, mind you....
by Jennifer Frisbie | Mar 4, 2014 | Burdened, Peace, Rest, Weary
Yesterday was quite the day. It felt heavy on my chest the moment I arose from the bed. (5:07 a.m., for those of you who wondered) I let my husband know that I was a little off-kilter and that I would, hopefully, return home in a better mood. Nothing was wrong, but...