We don’t live in pursuit of a better life – it’s the blessed life that’s in pursuit of us. – Ann Voskamp

I didn’t know that wild obedience would look like faithfulness in this place I never asked to be. – Alia Joy

“Calling takes off her shoes and stands barefoot on the wet top of a surfboard, where the risk of wipe out is great but so is the opportunity to ride the waves.

There is a distinct difference between wasted and spent. Let us keep that in mind in this world when so much is wasted. Where we toss and discard and throw away words and thoughts and hearts. Let us keep in mind that we can waste our words and our time easily, but in the same space of an hour we can also spend them well.” – Sarah Markley

“Sometimes when I am faced with an irrational fear that is based in shame like,” what if people really knew what you are like?” I just face it. I find someone and confess. I just say to another mom friend, “I really struggle with yelling at my kids sometimes.” I let it out there. And then, usually, I find my friend say, “Oh, I struggle with the same thing too.” Now the the chatterbox has no more power. ”What if people found out?” Well they just did AND I found out I am not alone in this struggle.” – Holly Furtick

“So, in the same way that I work hard to choose meals that bring good health and energy to my little girl, God is asking me to offer her a healthy diet of pleasant words to build her up, discipline, and instruct. I feel deep in my heart the desire to do the hard work of teaching her to take that deep breath and respond in grace when life is frustratingly unfair.” – Crystal Stine

“I am frustrated by my own yo-yoing philosophies no matter how much scripture I ingest. I’m frustrated with how we playact church but seem to often miss the point. I am frustrated by my own desire to find identity in ministry.” – Amber Haines

The gospel is really that simple—it’s us, being saved by love, so that we might express that same love to a dying world.” – Emily Wierenga 

“Spiritual maturity does not mean we will never make wrong plans. In fact, spiritual maturity often means having the courage to admit we’ve made the wrong plans.”  -Beth Moore

“Stop comparing your behind the scenes with everybody else’s highlight reel.”  -Steven Furtick