by Jennifer Frisbie | Oct 18, 2016 | Broken, Despair, Do You Hear Me, God, Faith, Family, marriage, Temptation, Weary
I see you, friend. Helpless. Wondering why this faith thing didn’t work out for you. Asking where in the world God was when it happened. You’re sinking fast in the fallen world and swept over by waves of loneliness. Tears keep pouring as you pound fists,...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Feb 22, 2015 | Faith, Family, For Girls Like You, Girls, Identity, Tweens
I often wondered what it would be like to enter that time and space before ushering my two oldest girls into their teenage years. “Tweens” as we now call them. When they were babies and toddlers I truly saw those years as being so far off into the future....
by Jennifer Frisbie | Feb 13, 2015 | Confidence, Faith, Family, Foot of the Cross, Grateful
As I was texting a friend earlier this week I was filled with the desire to confess something personal. I had my doubts of whether to just let it go or to go ahead and send it out for her to see. There was an apprehensiveness that I would be putting this newfound...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Aug 12, 2014 | Coffee For Your Heart, Courage, Declare, Despair, Faith, God Already Is, Jonah, Tell His Story, Three Word Wednesday
As I began to write this post, sitting off in a corner by myself at the Declare Conference in Dallas, Texas, I wasn’t sure what I really wanted to say. I tried writing it in such a way that no one would know my heart. I could gush over all of the wonderfulness...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Jun 18, 2014 | Broken, Coffee For Your Heart, Tell His Story, Temptation, Three Word Wednesday
This morning I sat and watched the curiosity of my baby girl as she pressed the buttons of a Playstation controller. She was determined to figure the thing out. She had no idea she was being watched because every bit of her attention was on the controller and the...