by Jennifer Frisbie | Jun 6, 2016 | Blessed, Confidence, Courage, Encouragement, Grace, Identity
I cleaned out my hope chest today. Head carefully hunched over as the smell of cedar met my senses while I tossed memory after sentimental memory into the trash. I know. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit remorseful, but it’s been on my heart for...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Sep 21, 2015 | Encouragement, Faith, Identity, Image
Just a few short weeks ago Willow and I were in her room getting herself dressed for the day. I’d picked out an adorable outfit and made sure her two pigtails were just right. Her face was clean and she was beaming up at me in such a way that I...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Sep 9, 2015 | Faith, God Already Is, Identity, Investing, Past, Prayer, Resolutions
I had this post all ready to go today to talk about my busy summer and how much I loved being home with my kids. I was ready to give you the top four list of what I’ll be writing about now that I’m dusting the blog off after virtually taking the summer...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Mar 31, 2015 | Coffee For Your Heart, Faith, Identity, Image, Insecurities, Redeem, Tell His Story, Testimony Tuesday, Three Word Wednesday
I enjoy stalking people on Throwback Thursdays. I think it’s because I have a love for pictures. While words will always be my choice of storytelling, sometimes looking into the lives of others through images is insightful. But there are times in my...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Mar 3, 2015 | Coffee For Your Heart, Family, Identity, Seek And You Will Find, Tell His Story, Testimony Tuesday, Three Word Wednesday
It was just over a week ago that I picked my children up after school and my son launched into all of the wonderful details of his Pre-Kindergarten field trip. They’d gone to visit a retirement home and, somewhere between his school and the home, he saw his...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Feb 22, 2015 | Faith, Family, For Girls Like You, Girls, Identity, Tweens
I often wondered what it would be like to enter that time and space before ushering my two oldest girls into their teenage years. “Tweens” as we now call them. When they were babies and toddlers I truly saw those years as being so far off into the future....