by Jennifer Frisbie | Jun 6, 2014 | Faith, Five Minute Friday, Nehemiah, Strength
Each Friday a group of women flow to the blog of Lisa-Jo Baker to receive a specific writing prompt. The prompt is just one word. A word to spark an idea in our heads. At the start of a timer we have no more than five minutes to string together an array of words...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Jul 14, 2013 | Nehemiah
So often I will be speaking to my young son, forgetting that he is only 3 and can’t always follow what I’m saying. His sweet, small voice will chime in with the question “What you mean, Mommy? What you mean?” I have only to pull myself down on...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Jun 27, 2013 | Faith, Nehemiah, Rubble
During my study of Nehemiah I’ve thought an awful lot about the mess he had to clean up before the rebuilding of the wall. The sheer amount of rubble involved must’ve been…well, messy! So I put together my thoughts to share with the high school...