by Jennifer Frisbie | Mar 2, 2016 | Abide, Coffee For Your Heart, Encouragement, Tell His Story, Testimony Tuesday, Three Word Wednesday
Last night was a late night for me. I’ve never been one to have issues falling asleep, but I could tell from the evenings events I was pretty alert and processing a lot of thoughts so I opted to stay up and watch a favorite show on Netflix. Sadly, I can always...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Jan 21, 2016 | #beautifulstories, Coffee For Your Heart, Faith, RaRa Linkup, righteousness, Tell His Story, Testimony Tuesday, Three Word Wednesday
I woke yesterday morning to a good dusting of snow on the ground. Far less than the accumulation my children were hoping for. Still…whatever the sky threw down during the night was enough to delay school for my two middles who attend public school. The oldest...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Oct 20, 2015 | Coffee For Your Heart, Faith, Follow, Foot of the Cross, Grateful, RaRa Linkup, Tell His Story, Three Word Wednesday, Truth
I’ve welcomed an involuntary break from blogging lately. While I can hardly say that I’ve felt drawn to becoming a brand or hitting the magic number of posts each week to satisfy a reader base, I do feel a sort of urgency when I “fall behind.”...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Jun 9, 2015 | Coffee For Your Heart, Courage, Faith, Grace, Tell His Story, Testimony Tuesday, Three Word Wednesday
If you’ve read my Facebook regularly you might have seen a bit of a trend. The last two months have primarily talked a lot about my adventures in becoming a stay-at-home mom. In that comes the comical side of watching my children’s antics during many more...
by Jennifer Frisbie | May 21, 2015 | Coffee For Your Heart, His Plan, Humble, Patience, Tell His Story, Temptation, Testimony Tuesday, Three Word Wednesday, Trust
Draft after draft I’ve begun to type. They pile up like a stack of junk mail near the phone. You know what I mean… The unimportant mail. The stuff we could live without. Nothing valuable like a check from a customer paying their bill. Not a letter of...
by Jennifer Frisbie | Mar 31, 2015 | Coffee For Your Heart, Faith, Identity, Image, Insecurities, Redeem, Tell His Story, Testimony Tuesday, Three Word Wednesday
I enjoy stalking people on Throwback Thursdays. I think it’s because I have a love for pictures. While words will always be my choice of storytelling, sometimes looking into the lives of others through images is insightful. But there are times in my...